Used technologies


WebAuthn, or Web Authentication, is a W3C specification designed to improve the online authentication experience while simultaneously offering a higher level of security. Here are some of the main benefits of WebAuthn:

  • Authentication without password: WebAuthn allows users to authenticate without using traditional passwords. This eliminates the need to store and manage complex passwords and can reduce the risk of unauthorized access due to stolen or compromised passwords.

  • Secure authentication methods: WebAuthn supports a wide range of authentication methods, including biometrics (such as fingerprints and facial recognition) and external security devices (such as USB keys), offering greater security than traditional passwords.

  • Resistance to phishing attacks: Because WebAuthn uses a cryptographic public key for authentication, it is inherently resistant to phishing attacks. Even if a user were to enter their credentials on a fraudulent website, the attacker would not be able to authenticate without the corresponding private key.

  • Interoperability: WebAuthn is supported by a wide range of browsers and devices, ensuring a consistent and reliable authentication experience across multiple platforms. This allows developers to implement passwordless authentication without having to worry about browser or device compatibility.

  • Privacy: WebAuthn protects user privacy by limiting the exposure of sensitive information during the authentication process. Biometric information, for example, is never transmitted to the authentication server, ensuring greater privacy and security for users.

Overall, WebAuthn offers a secure and convenient alternative to traditional passwords, improving the online authentication experience for users and reducing password security risks, and represents the standard and shared system in the web2 and web3 future.

Koinos Blockchain

The protocol uses the Koinos blockchain, an open-source blockchain designed to be high-performance, scalable and commission-free. By using a Proof-of-Burn (PoB) mechanism for consensus, Koinos eliminates the need to pay transaction fees, allowing users to execute operations on the blockchain at no cost. To guarantee free and unlimited access to operations on the blockchain, the protocol implements a mechanism called MANA (Mobile Ad hoc Network Autonomy). MANA serves as “fuel” for executing transactions on the Koinos blockchain, allowing users to execute trades without having to pay fees.

MANA is initially generated based on the number of KOIN tokens held in the user's account and recharges over time. This approach creates an incentive for users to hold and use KOIN tokens, contributing to the growth and stability of the ecosystem.

Last updated